The Role Of Posture In Your Golf Swing

A good golf stroke depends critically on good posture. It lets the body turn and generate additional force via impact. Steer clear of C posture, a too rounded upper back posture. It causes a shorter more forceful swing and limits your shoulder rotation capability.


Correct balance is essential for both on the green and on the tee as well as for entering the rough. And your setup position is the perfect spot to develop balanced posture. Limited trunk to pelvic separation, or too great flexion (forward bending) at the hips, is one of the main causes of bad posture in the golf swing. As the body progresses through the swing process, this flexed posture limits the capacity to rotate the shoulders and arms, thereby producing the usual incorrect blocks either to the right or to the left. Fortunately, fixing these problems will greatly improve your golf swing. Strengthening and stabilising the core muscles can help you start to hit the ball like a professional and send loss of posture packing. To gain an understanding of how the arms and legs must cooperate through the sequence, stand with your feet together and then swing a club. This is a terrific everyday practice drill.

Swing Plane

Consistent golf ball flight depends on the ability to keep posture all through the swing. Should a golfer lose posture in the backswing or impact, imbalance results and causes a range of issues including poor direction and inconsistent contact. Swing plane is mostly determined at setup by the spine angle. A one plane golf swing cannot be attained without the capacity to regularly outwardly rotate both the shoulders and forearms past this spine angle. This calls for a great degree of lat strength, abdominal strength, and hamstring suppleness. A golfer should be able to keep the same shoulder plane line through impact after they have appropriate posture (Photo 6). Consequently, the club should remain over the same plane line all the way to the target. Anything departing this plane line produces a hook or slice. Modifying plane lines also lowers power.


More than just your back, posture greatly affects the way your arms move during your golf swing. Good posture helps you hit farther, improve your consistency, and ease soreness. The basis upon which all your other golf skills are developed and reacted upon is correct posture. Good posture includes knee bend, back position, shoulder tilt, spine angle, and how your arms hang; it's crucial to understand and learn how to attain it. On the downswing, your trail arm should ideally be somewhat bent at address and near your torso. This enables the trail arm to track the forearm rotation during contact. Then the right elbow should keep turning upward into the release. This will let the club be released from your right hand rolling over the left. In a successful golf stroke, the right elbow serves mostly for this reason. This will also help to lower the inclination to hurl the clubhead over the body and overswing.


Many amateur golfers feel that during the swing their head should stay motionless. Although this is partially accurate, another way to view things is far superior. Not immobility but rather controlled movement is the aim. Your head will often travel forward and stay ahead of the ball throughout the weight transfer period. This is excellent. It helps you keep centred above the ball and lets you feel the angle of attack. Your head should, however, go back to its starting position as you negotiate the downswing and into the follow-through. This lets your arms rotate freely and produce a strong clubhead contact maximising direction and distance. See a local GolfTEC to be measured and begin learning a plan of action if you want to learn how to move your head and keep correct head position in the golf swing. The improvement it produces in your game will astounds you!

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The Role Of Posture In Your Golf Swing